Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Methods Of Waste Disposal

1.Open dumping:-Open dumping of solid waste is practiced extensively in india because it is cheap and require no planning. 

Generally low lying area, village and out skirts of town and cities are used for same purpose. 

The open dumping caused health problem by encouraging the mosquito rates and other pest. 

2.Composting:-Composting is the biological reclamation of organics material by natural decomposition process. 

For example decay of falling leave, dead animal and it's excreta. 

3.Sanitary Land Fill:-It is method of disposing waste on the land by covering of solid waste inside the land by using soil as shown in fig. 

4.Incineration:-It is the process of burning of solid waste by heating at high temperature about 850 °C.

5.Reuse,Recycle,Recover:-This process is most widely used nowadays, because it reduce the solid waste and indirectly pollution. 

Solid waste generated from industry ,household and other field contain significant amount of valuable material like steel, copper, iron, plastic and other material if they are recovered and reused would reduce the volume of the waste. 

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