Saturday, August 1, 2020

Roles of chemical engineer

What is chemical engineering :-
  • Chemical Engineering is the branch of engineering which is concerned with the design and operation of industrial chemical plants. A chemical plant is required to carry out transformation of raw materials into desired products efficiently, economically and safely.
  • Chemical Engineering is that branch of engineering which deals with the production of bulk materials from basic raw materials in a most economical and safe way by chemical means. 
Who is chemical engineer:-
  • A chemical engineer is the one who is skilled in development, design, construction,operation and control of industrial plants in which matter undergoes a change.  
  • Chemical engineers work in four main segments of the chemical process industries : research and development, design, manufacturing/production and sales. 
Roles of chemical engineer:-
  • The traditional roles of chemical engineers include teaching, research and development, design, production, plant maintenance and trouble shooting, plant management, marketing, entrepreneurship, and consultancy. 
  • Chemical engineers play a vital role in the development and production of various essential needs of mankind like food, clothing, housing, health, communication, energy, utilization of natural resources, and protection of the environment. 
  • Chemical engineers are engaged in the production of fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, food products, drugs and pharmaceuticals, plastics, synthetic fibers, dyes and dye intermediates, paints and lacquers, synthetic fuels, paper, nuclear energy, synthetic rubber, etc.

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