Wednesday, July 29, 2020


First law of thermodynamics:- 
  • Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed it is transferred from one to another form 
  • Any loss or gain of energy by the system must be equal to loss or gain of energy by the surrounding. 
  • Any heat is given to the system that heat increase system internal energy and utilized to do some work done.
                        dQ  =  dU + dW

Second law of thermodynamics:
  • As per second law of thermodynamic there are not any heat engine are available to convert energy into 100% work. We do not convert or utilize energy into 100% work done.
  • There are two statement of two different scientist. 
            1.Kelvin laws
            2.Clausis law
Kelvin laws: It stated that it is impossible to make such heat engine that convert 100% work done from given source of heat.
Clausis law: It state that heat  never flow from low temperature to high temperature because of heat transferred from high temperature to low temperature owing existence in temperature difference.

Third law of thermodynamics:- 

  • Third law of thermodynamics depend on three main components;
          1.)Entropy:it is measure disorder of system
          2.)Absolute zero: temp. is about 0°K
          3.)Absolute crystals


  • Third law states that entropy of  absolute crystals at 0°K or -273 °C is zero

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